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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 27:38 – Doesn’t Scripture say that no one knows when Jesus is coming back? Does Jesus not know when He is coming back?
  2. @ 29:29 – Was Goliath possibly related to the giant Zamzummim?
  3. @ 32:21 – You mentioned in your message on 2 John that 2 John was written “from” Ephesus. What city was it written “to”?
  4. @ 34:55 – Who are those in the ‘great cloud of witnesses?’ (Hebrews 12)
  5. @ 36:47 – “But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! ” 1 Cor 15:51. Does this happen with our bodies as well? I’ve never thought hard about it, but I’m assuming our bodies will be changed as well. Now would this be where we get our new bodies? And what would happen with our dog? If this were to happen, would God just leave our animals to fend for themselves? If we care so much about our pets, why wouldn’t God care even more to care for them in this event?
  6. @ 44:49 – In point 2 you said “God will allow you to long jealously for the life and possession of others, to provoke you to move into the life He desires for you.” How is that possible if jealousy is sinful?
  7. @ 54:47 – I feel like I’ve been “meandering aimlessly.” What do I need to do to not keep doing that?
  8. @ 1:13:56 – Your points on Sunday kind of make it seem like God is heavy handed. I haven’t thought of God like that before. I’m not sure how to reconcile that with Jesus?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 23:33 – When will we have services again at Cross Connection? I hear some churches are going back this week. What do you think about that?
  2. @ 29:44 – You talked about Enoch in last week’s weekly email. There’s a Book of Enoch, why isn’t it in the Bible?
  3. @ 32:12 – I’ve been anxious during this time. Is it ok to take medication for anxiety?
  4. @ 37:38 – Does the Holy Spirit convict us as Believers of sin. I am getting both yeses and no’s when I research it.
  5. @ 39:59 – In Acts 16, what does it mean that the Holy Spirit kept Paul and his team from going into Asia Minor and Bithynia? How did the Holy Spirit do that? Our how different they know it was the Holy Spirit?
  6. @ 44:32 – Is it ok to use the “Holy Ghost” instead of saying the “Holy Spirit” I used to hear that term in Pentecostal churches.
  7. @ 49:49 – Could you please explain what The prayer request for Pastor Mark was. He suspects he can’t sleep because it is a “Spiritual Issue”. What does that mean?
  8. @ 56:08 – I’m assuming that based on Deut 1:41-46, it is possible to do the right/godly thing at the wrong time and therefor be out of God’s will. How do I make sure it is the right time?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 15:34 – Monday night on TV Pastor Miles shared about transcendence. He mentioned “near death experiences.” There was a popular book about a boy who said he experienced one which turned out to be not true. Dr. Oz on TV will periodically have on people who say they experienced it. I think they are questionable. What do you think?
  2. @ 22:07 – Are there any Prophets today? On the 2 “Christian ” TV stations. So many of the guest speakers- both men and women say God told them or God spoke to them them about various subjects both current and future events.
  3. @ 30:02 – Deuteronomy 1:35 – Israel won’t be allowed into the promised land due to unbelief and disobedience; 2:15 the older generation has died and they can go in. What did the people think during this time- were they just waiting for the older generation to die and the younger generation to grow up and be strong. For 38 eight years just waiting – a very trying time for Moses knowing he would not enter too.
  4. @ 31:26 – My grandma and so many more Jewish people never heard about Jesus. Where is she in heaven or hell?
  5. @ 38:03 – Question from last week’s point 1 — It seems like we will always be desperate for competent leadership if we are only given two main choices to choose from (rep/dem). How do you vote for “leaders” that are obviously not qualified yet they are your only options?
  6. @ 47:07 – The corona virus has been called the Beast. Is this what the book of Revelation was talking about? I thought the beast was a super computer. What is your opinion?
  7. @ 52:02 – I know you have taught 1 John. My question is on 5:16. The sin leading to death is the unpardonable sin, right? Should we not pray for those who don’t believe Jesus?
  8. @ 55:30 – For the Rapture, I have heard we should be looking to the sky. Does that mean literally watching the sky for Jesus? Or be living your life in readiness being about the Father’s business?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 8:00 – Why are churches still meeting during this and claiming “constitutional rights?” Isn’t this disobedience to the government and against Romans 13? (Special Guest, Pastor Rob McCoy, Godspeak Calvary Chapel, Thousand Oaks, CA)
  2. @ 36:25 – The Catholics wear a Cross with Jesus on it which they say reminds them of His suffering for them. We wear a plain Cross. What does our Cross symbolize?
  3. @ 39:58 – Jesus healed all. Are we supposed to pray for EVERYONE for Jesus to heal them all? Can we pray for someone who is sick – has a disease etc that God’s will be done OR do we HAVE to pray for their healing?
  4. @ 44:48 – How can we have funeral services during this crisis?
  5. @ 46:12 – We’re “all about connection.” but I feel pretty disconnected. I don’t like it! How can we stay connected? How can we stay spiritually and emotionally healthy in lockdown?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 28:43 – If we can be confident that God is doing a good work through our prayers, and a lot of people are praying, why isn’t this virus going away?
  2. @ 38:17 – What is the best way to deal with your frustrations when you are told you have to stay at home and can’t go to work?
  3. @ 42:53 – What are “the fruits of righteousness?” (Philippians 1:11)
  4. @ 45:32 – If you partake of communion at home, do you have to have the proper elements? (with special guest, Pastor David Guzik)
  5. @ 48:43 – Is this virus a plague from god to judge the world?
  6. @ 55:00 – If you were to envision yourself with Jesus, where would you see yourself?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 20:44 – If we desire to make wise decisions and live by wisdom, the sources of information we receive are vital to living in wisdom. You spoke about having a media fast, and social media, both good ideas. Are there also practical ways that people can learn how to discern what resources of news and information are reliable? How can they learn to ignore false reports and follow reliable sources? When you read news–what questions go through your mind to lead you to determine whether this report is true or false?
  2. @ 28:57 – Can you reconcile… worry is a form of mediation versus Jesus tells us not to worry?
  3. @ 33:41 – Watching the live feed, just wanted to know, has it ever been an aspiration of yours to become a Televangelist?
  4. @ 35:31 – Please define prayers of supplication as compared to prayers of petitions. Do we have to distinguish them when we pray. I is there a different way of praying them?
  5. @ 42:56 – How can communion be taken from our Church while this crisis continues?
  6. @ 46:35 – Do you think this social distancing, and closing down the church is the way God would want his church to respond? Shouldn’t the church obey God rather than man? If we are to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” shouldn’t we be holding church?
  7. @ 56:36 – You quoted James 4:13-15 in the message. It says “you ought to say, “if the Lord wills, we shall live.” What if it is God’s will that people get the Coronavirus and die. Should we intervene?
  8. @ 1:01:03 – What if I am praying and focusing on things that “promote peace,” and I am still anxious? What should I do?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 24:31 – Another followup: What I don’t understand is this: less than a hundred years ago, women couldn’t wear pants because culture dictated that those were men’s clothes, but now it’s obviously not a big deal, even among most Christians. If our culture eventually relaxes the standard about men wearing dresses (because they’re pretty comfy), will this cease to be an issue in the church like it did with women and pants? Is a girl being a tomboy and wearing boys’ clothes (which I did for a while growing up with four brothers) different at the root than a boy wearing girls clothes? Is most of the problem simply because of all the other stuff going on with transgender issues right now that makes it stickier? Or do you think it’s inherently different?
  2. @ 31:39 – Are there other books—besides the Bible—that talk about the exodus from Egypt?
  3. @ 33:34 – Can you explain a bit more about “Common Grace.”
  4. @ 34:45 – Matthew 18:34-35 speaks of not only forgiving, but doing so from my heart. I have a sister who I have been praying about. I love her dearly, but I have found that when I trust her, she cannot help but gossip and turn people one against the other. I’ve forgiven her again and again, but can I truly forgive someone from my heart if I learn that they simply cannot be trusted? I feel as though I love her despite her many betrayals, but can I truly love and forgive someone wholly without being willing to start again with a clean slate? Isn’t that more like allowing myself to knowingly be taken advantage of?
  5. @ 43:21 – What does “Apocalypse” mean in the Bible?
  6. @45:18 – In Matt 16:18, right after Simon Peter says, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, Jesus responds “… on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” What did the word Church mean at that time? We think of the Church as beginning later, after Christ’s resurrection.
  7. @ 51:53 – I do believe that God lives in our hearts. If the church is just a building where Christians meet, then why did Jesus say, when His parents found Him in the temple “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2:49 NLT.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 28:27 – What is Lent for? Is it Ok to follow it.
  2. @ 31:58 – God gave Abraham the land for his people and descendants. Why is Palestine still in part of the land? Why haven’t they been destroyed.
  3. @ 38:07 – Someone in our Church said we are not fully redeemed until we get to Heaven cause we still have a sin nature. She used Ephesians 1:13-14 and 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
  4. @ 41:41 – Canon “the standard or rule of sacred writings “. What are the “scared writings”
  5. @ 46:14 – A pastor said nothing can touch us WITHOUT God’s permission. Can it be that any and every thing that happens to us is approved by God before it happens?
  6. @ 55:40 – On the question having to do with parenting kids from last week. What’s it look like to train your kids up in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4)?
  7. @ 1:00:49 – In the presidential primaries, until last week, there were several women running to be nominated. If Israel was supposed to choose men as leaders, do you think a women can or should be president?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 21:57 – I’m listening to the message and thinking, but what of those that use the Bible and twist it to their own agenda? I know they think they are doing right. Ever since I heard that Hitler used biblical reference to justify his actions, that has bothered me.
  2. @ 27:12 – So, I listened to your answer (thank you), but it seems like you’re saying that in order to tell if a biblical command still applies today, we need to do an in depth study of the contextual culture in which it was given. There’s no like, rule of thumb for these types of things? How we can tell through scripture whether a command still applies today? And if you can’t just use the Bible alone to determine these types of questions, where do you start on doing the outside research?
  3. @ 32:20 – My son identifies himself as a boy however he enjoys wearing dresses. Are you saying he is an abomination?
  4. @ 56:17 – What if a law is wrong? Is it ok to not follow the law if it is not correct?
  5. @ 59:20 – In the message last Sunday, did you say that there is no rapture?
  6. @ 1:03:58 – God shows us how to judge righteously by pointing out three criteria: show no partiality, don’t ignore the small person, and don’t be intimidated by the powerful. Why do you think God had to point out these three traits of righteous judgement?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 24:20 – What is the difference between mercy and grace?
  2. @ 28:02 – Why doesn’t our church teach that women should wear head coverings while praying? And if women aren’t supposed to wear men’s clothes and men aren’t supposed to wear women’s, why does our church allow women to wear pants? And if it’s ok for women to wear pants, does that mean it’s ok for men to wear dresses? Is it just about the intent of the heart? How can we tell the difference between a cultural teaching in the Bible and something we should still adhere to today? Scripture references 1 Cor 11:5 & Deut 22:5.
  3. @ 34:43 – When I read Matthew 15:24 it draws me up short. If God is unchanging then how did it come to be that He changed His mind? And why would He try to turn the woman away at first if He is merciful?
  4. @ 41:00 – How is my wife supposed to relate to an acquaintance who claims to be a Christian and saved and has gone thru a divorce for personal reasons and seems to think it’s not that big a deal? How can she be loving as well as pointing this out?
  5. @ 48:03 – Since we humans are imperfect, and our judgements therefore also imperfect, how should a judge presiding over a trial address the issue of grace? Is it possible to even consider grace in a legal proceeding without also imperfectly applying it? In our personal affairs, we tend to not forgive unless we feel the offender is remorseful and asks for forgiveness, otherwise no way. How do we balance judgement and grace in our daily lives?

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