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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 3:52 – Explain Revelation 5:8 where it says the prayers are in a bowl in Heaven?
  2. @ 9:48 – I fear for the jewish people. If they are Gods chosen. How or will they get to heaven if they never accept Jesus?
  3. @ 16:38 –  There are so many different versions of the Bible, with so many different books added and subtracted. How does someone know that they are reading the right version?
  4. @ 31:27 – This is a very loaded question. Can you explain how God views gay people? How is it that someone can grow up knowing the scriptures, yet still feel the urge to love and even marry another of the same gender? Today’s society pushes to accept gays and gay marriage. So, what is Cross Connection’s belief on society’s acceptance vs God’s word in the scripture. What are all of the sins?
  5. @ 46:56 – How come we have to choose every moment to walk in the light instead of just once? Why isn’t it instinctual after we choose it once?
  6. @ 51:50 – What was the significance of Jesus writing in the dirt?
  7. @ 54:43 –  Who must I confess my secret sin to?
  8. @ 58:38 – Can the devil influence your dreams?
  9. @ 1:00:33 –  James 5:14-15 talks about having the elders pray for me if I’m sick. Who exactly are the “elders” and what are your thoughts on doing this vs just having my friends or family pray for me?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 6:29 – Where can one get a belt so white?
  2. @ 7:24 – What scriptures describe the demise of all of the Apostles, as shared in the teaching today?
  3. @ 11:03 – Do you believe there is any significance of Jesus rising specially 3 days later? Any significance of the number 3?
  4. @ 16:34 – What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for me? I haven’t seen him like the early disciples did.
  5. @ 18:54 – Why did christ rise from the dead?
  6. @ 19:16 – Where was Jesus for the three days before rising from the dead?
  7. @ 23:53 – What does it mean that we are/were dead in our sins?
  8. @ 27:25 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬ How can we reconcile this with the disciples being martyred for their faith?
  9. @ 35:20 – What will the Holy Spirit be doing in heaven?
  10. @ 38:00 – Without Jesus we can’t have eternal life, but those who don’t have Jesus will live eternally in hell? Or are their souls annihilated at some point?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 7:26 – Is it wrong/sinful to desire pleasure, power, happiness, fame, and wealth?
  2. @ 14:55 – How can I experience the joy Jesus offers when my life is in crisis/broken?
  3. @ 20:15 –  Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?
  4. @ 20:55 –  How do we have eternal joy in our daily lives?
  5. @ 23:07 –  Will God bless a new marriage after a failed marriage? How do you deal with the judgement of others for your failures as a husband in the past?
  6. @ 31:19 –  If you asked me if I was going to heaven, I would still say I hope so. I hope I have not come to Jesus for the wrong reasons. I hope I do not just say the right word but not truly believe in my heart. How can we be sure our motives are pure and that we truly put all our trust in Jesus?
  7. @ 35:27 –  What I heard Paster Miles say was as Jesus told Peter on this rock I will build the church. If I am not mistaken Jesus call Peter a stone not a rock and if I am not mistaken Jesus is the rock. But in the context of the message Sunday about the reason the disciples followed Jesus. Peter was being lifted up to greater position than the other disciples by saying on this rock I will build the church
  8. @ 42:25 –  How do you know when the Master “has need of” your donkey?
  9. @ 45:42 –  How do I spiritually determine how to make the right decisions and have right responses?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 5:03 – Who are those in the ‘great cloud of witnesses? (Hebrews 12:1)
  2. @ 10:28 – Why did Jesus change Simon’s name to Peter?
  3. @ 16:03 – How many people do I have to share with for me to be saved?
    1. If I have a bumper sticker that says, have you accepted Christ as your savior, is that enough to be saved?
    2. If I help with saturate San Diego is that enough?
  4. @ 19:00 – Is it true Barabbas was considered the representation of Israel (because of what his name means) and that he was liked by the Jews because he was a Roman hater/murderer and that some Jews wanted Barabbas released instead of Jesus because it was thought he would do more to bring the Romans down?
  5. @ 23:14 – At what age is a child accountable for their salvation?
  6. @ 31:10 – How does a parent cope when their adult child is not a believer or not currently following Jesus and they believe that if that child died today they would not go to heaven?
  7. @ 38:48 – How should I, as a mom, adjust to an “empty nest”? My adult kids are doing well, but some of them live far away and I don’t see them often. It hurts.
  8. @ 46:01 – In the book of Genesis, who are the people that Cain is afraid will kill him after he murders Abel? And who inhabits the land of Nod?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 4:45 – On Saturday two women from the Jehovah Witness Church knocked on my door! Felt ill-equipped to say anything so I didn’t! What should I do to be prepared next time they come to my door?
  2. @ 14:37 – My question stems from a quote referenced by Pastor Garrett this morning. “How much of our church is American, and how much is Biblical” – David Platt. Recently I read a book titled “Small Is Big!: Unleashing the Big Impact of Intentionally Small Churches” – The book presents the argument that the biblical church was commonly small, and it was commonly led by “ordinary people” instead of the trained religious elite. The book brings up a lot of questions, but I’d love to hear your response to statements in the book like “Most aspects of ministry are better in a small setting” so each can bring a contribution (1 Corinthians 14:26). And another statement, “Simple churches multiply more quickly” – eg. China house church movement. How does a church the size of CCC, with multiple full-time pastors, look like the church of Scripture? And if there are areas where it doesn’t, do we have good reasons? (FYI – I love CCC and am not intending to be harsh with my question – and I promise my next question won’t be so short 🙂 ).
  3. @ 24:39 – What’s the difference between calling and anointing?
  4. @ 30:49 –  How can we encourage others that their presence here in church is important to all the church?
  5. @ 33:30 – How does one go about finding God’s will for their life?
  6. @ 36:13 – Why doesn’t this church offer an altar call?
  7. @ 37:31 – If we truly repent from our sins then Jesus will forgive us and separate our sin from us as far as the east is from the west. How do we reconcile this with on Judgment day we will have to give an account for every word and deed?
  8. @ 41:05 –  God gave the Israelites a whole bunch of rules, including the 10 commandments. I’ve been reading them in Leviticus 19&20. Some are related to sacrifice, others to controlling disease, and others for purity. I understand why we don’t follow sacrificial laws, because Jesus fulfilled these. But why not the others? Jesus said he came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. (Matthew 5:17)
  9. @ 46:54 – Why are there differences between the NKJV and the NLT versions in the Acts 9 passage we were in on Sunday?
  10. @ 50:33 – Bonus Question! 😉

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 4:6-15. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 6:24 – Verse 8 of today’s text, “Day” is capitalized. What is the significance? The day of the ‘Bema’ seat?
  2. @ 11:18 – Why does Easter keep changing every year? Isn’t it suppose to be Jesus resurrection? No one has been able to give me a good answer in 20 years.
  3. @ 16:07 – What does “fighting the good fight” look like practically in regards to marriage, children, work, and service to the Lord?
  4. @ 20:19 – Are Christians allowed to fight in the military or defend themselves?
  5. @ 28:40 – Have you or Pastor Mark ever been abandoned by people in the ministry?
  6. @ 31:49 – If I’ve done wrong or failed people or the Lord, how do I “restart” and repair the damage?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 4:1-6 talking about the importance of preaching the Word. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 7:28 – What text do you think Timothy used for preaching?
  2. @ 11:39 – What did the first preachers and teachers consider ‘scripture’?
  3. @ 14:08 – Micaiah (in 1 Kings 22) seemed to be sarcastic, is it ok to be sarcastic? 
  4. @ 20:00 – Should a christian listen to the news today?
  5. @ 26:36 – What are some good teachings and commentaries I can go to when I don’t understand something in the Bible?
  6. @ 28:29 – Do I need to study biblical history?
  7. @ 30:19 – Is impatience sin?
  8. @ 34:02 – How do I practically “preach the word” to individuals , timing etc?
  9. @ 39:02 – What does it mean to “walk in the Spirit” and how do I do it?
  10. @ 43:28 – I’ve been a bible believing church attending Christian for 20+ years and still find myself not trusting God. I lived through an inordinate amount of death and tragedy and those circumstances are hard to escape?
  11. @ 50:00 – I was talking to my daughter yesterday. Thru-out the Bible it will state “fear not” or “fear God” why should we fear God if he is our Father our ABBA.

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:16 – 4:2 talking about the inspired and useful word of God. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 3:23 – What is the difference between soul and spirit. And what is Spirituality?
  2. @ 7:47 – Can you explain how God views gay people? How is it that someone can grow up knowing the scriptures, yet still feel the urge to love and even marry another of the same gender? Today’s society pushes to accept gays and gay marriage. So, what is Cross Connection’s belief on society’s acceptance vs God’s word in the scripture.
  3. @ 16:37 – All scripture is inspired and useful – what about the books not included in the Protestant Bible? (ie. Catholic)
  4. @ 20:03 – Are there any other “Holy Scriptures.”
  5. @ 21:30 – Wallbuilders said the Bible that Thomas Jefferson cut up was like a red letter edition. The red letter addition was used by missionaries, to give to the Native Americans. Have you heard this before?
  6. @ 25:52 – How do you know if you are being “called ” to preach the word. Either in a pulpit or to a person.
  7. @ 33:00 – What is discipleship?
  8. @ 35:26 – My spouse is an unbeliever, can I still teach my kids about God?
  9. @ 38:34 – Is scripture useful to unbelievers?
  10. @ 41:07 – What happens to those who die that have never heard the gospel? (Natives)?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:1-9 considering the reason for peril in the last days. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 0:36 – Did Timothy ever have trouble following Paul? Did he ever have doubts? Or doubts about God’s will?
  2. @ 9:05 –  What kind of milestones should you make and how do you make them?
  3. @ 15:49 – In the context of Pastor Jason’s sermon, how do I find someone to mentor (disciple) me so that I can turn around and mentor (disciple) someone else?
  4. @ 28:34 –  Had this question come up in our house this week with our kids. If Jesus is God in the form of man, how did God send his son to earth?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:1-9 considering the reason for peril in the last days. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 4:00 – If I recognize that I have a hardened heart. How do I change that?
  2. @ 13:12 –  If I am struggling with some of the things mentioned in verses 2-5 am I not saved?
  3. @ 17:22 – What does it mean to repent?
  4. @ 24:18 –  How do I confront a Christian friend who does not have the fruit of the spirit in the way they live?
  5. @ 31:25 –  Are you saying we need to kick out Christians who live in sin from our church?
  6. @ 35:05 – If my children are disobedient how should I discipline them?

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