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March 17th Sermon Q&A

Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 4:6-15. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 6:24 – Verse 8 of today’s text, “Day” is capitalized. What is the significance? The day of the ‘Bema’ seat?
  2. @ 11:18 – Why does Easter keep changing every year? Isn’t it suppose to be Jesus resurrection? No one has been able to give me a good answer in 20 years.
  3. @ 16:07 – What does “fighting the good fight” look like practically in regards to marriage, children, work, and service to the Lord?
  4. @ 20:19 – Are Christians allowed to fight in the military or defend themselves?
  5. @ 28:40 – Have you or Pastor Mark ever been abandoned by people in the ministry?
  6. @ 31:49 – If I’ve done wrong or failed people or the Lord, how do I “restart” and repair the damage?

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