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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 17:09 – I’ve heard bible commentary (most recently from Spurgeon) who says our feelings aren’t important. I was on fire for Jesus when I was first saved. Lately, I’ve felt nothing, but still go through the motions, hoping those feelings will come back and feeling full of shame. How do belief (ie. believing in our hearts ) and feelings intersect?
  2. @ 28:11 – Is it OK for Christians to dance?
  3. @ 31:33 – The bible clearly condemns homosexuality, Old and New testament. However, some who practice religion feel their lifestyle is ok and feel God will accept this and they will enter into eternal life.
  4. @ 36:52 – Did Jesus go to hell and there He defeated satan? Also, what did Jesus do for the 3 days before He was resurrected?
  5. @ 40:39 – Why does our Church not have members? Other Churches I attended we did have members. That way we were able to express and vote on various issues.
  6. @ 46:39 – Deuteronomy 1 gives us a guideline for selecting leaders, how do we support leadership that doesn’t fit those guidelines. It seems this president isn’t necessarily a godly man but does support some biblical values.
  7. @ 57:10 – Last night on Christian Tv Pastor Joseph Prince discussed taking communion. He said that we should take communion on a daily basis at our homes or how many times you want to using whatever elements we want to. He also said that there will be healings for you if you do this. And he gave specific examples of people being healed this way. Your comments please.
  8. @ 1:03:17 – Pastor Miles mentioned the Crown Of Life. Will all Believers get one OR is there certain criteria in suffering one has to meet?
  9. @ 1:05:18 – I’ve been worrying about money lately, so much so that it’s impacting my relationship with God. And I’m constantly worrying about all the other “cares of this world.” If Matthew 13:12 talks about the cares of this world choked out the work of God’s word in the lives of some, am I in danger of losing my security and salvation?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 20:29 – How do I know what counsel is the best when I am hearing very different things from people I trust?
  2. @ 28:50 – The “son of man” is referred to in the Bible over and over. I was just reading Matthew 12:32. Who is the son of man referred to there, in Ezekiel, etc?
  3. @ 32:37 – There is a lot of talk in the Bible about the sabbath, keeping it holy. I’ve heard Rick Warren say we need to still keep the sabbath (paraphrased) but have never it said at our church. Why or why not should we “keep the sabbath”. If we should, what does that look like?
  4. @ 40:23 – What do you think of pastors on the Christian TV stations are Into deciphering codes in the Bible? Like numbers for prophecies.
  5. @ 48:16 – What does it mean that Jesus is “seated at the right hand of the Father”. Not being funny but it sounds like He doesn’t move from that position.
  6. @ 50:30 – Would this be a right thing to say. Pastor Ed Young said. “We are as righteous as God.”
  7. @ 53:02 – Matthew 12:36 says that we will have to give an account for every careless word we say. I’ve read in other versions that “careless” can be translated as “idle”. J Vernon McGee says that it can translated as”blasphemy”. I’m not sure whether this is about all the thoughtless and careless things we say to people or if it means turning away from God. I worry that I’m going to be held accountable for every time I trusted in the wrong things and people rather than trusting in Him OR every time I said something thoughtless. Can you help me to understand this?
  8. 1:01:30 – Please SIMPLY what is the beliefs of the Calvary Chapel Global Network as compared to Calvary Chapel Association.? Why did Pastor Guzik leave the Association?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 23:56 – What is the biblical purpose of the church? I’ve heard 2 contrasting mindsets: 1)”church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints” versus a different mindset, 2) “church is the gathering of wheat, not the tares” or other similar analogies e.g. the church is Christ’s “bride”. Which mindset is correct?
  2. @ 28:32 – Leviticus 19:28 tells us not to cut our skin or have tattoos. But at Cross Connection and other churches some have tattoos. Is this ok? Or are these members disobeying the word of God.
  3. @ 35:48 – How do you discern between God’s purpose for you and your own bucket list?
  4. @ 43:21 – If I am a single woman, be it unmarried, widowed, or divorced- can I also look to Isaiah 54 for the comfort that the Lord, Himself is my husband? Or is it speaking ONLY to Israel?
  5. @ 45:34 – Why and when did humans stop living as long as people did in Moses’ day?
  6. @ 50:43 – The passage read from in Hebrews 3 on Sunday seems to say you could lose your salvation, if you harden your heart. Is that the right way to read that?
  7. @ 51:45 – You mentioned Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel. Do you know about the split in Calvary Chapel, and what do you think about it.
  8. @ 56:15 – Is it ok to listen to non-Christian music, like U2, which you talked about listening to on Sunday?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 9:58 – In verse 4 in New King James it says Moses killed the kings of Amorites and the king of the Bashan, I the English Standard Version it says defeated. If a person did no know that God told Moses to kill everyone when going into battle. I would think that if some one was using the English Standard Version only they would be getting confused if listening to someone is teaching out of the New King James. ( kill and defeated have deferent definition). My personal thought is the Jame James and New King James is the closest to the correct translation.
  2. @ 18:51 – Simon of Cyrene was credited as being the black man who helped Jesus with the cross. But wasn’t he an Arab or Jew with dark skin? Or was he what we consider black in the U.S.
  3. @ 20:49 – Are other churches that are not teaching like we do wrong?
  4. @ 28:11– Mark 14:7 says “The poor you will always have with you” What is this saying? It seems so negative and hopeless.
  5. @ 31:44 – What is it about Deuteronomy that makes it like other treaties from the time of Moses?
  6. @ 38:00 – This morning I read Matthew 7. It speaks of judging others and self righteousness. And then, later in the chapter, it says “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.” and ” Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” I’ve TRIED not to judge but I judge CONSTANTLY. This chapter fills me with dread because, then, I’m not doing the will of my Father in Heaven. It sounds like He isn’t going to let me in.
  7. @ 46:40 – Why does the author you mentioned not believe in freewill? It sure seems like we have freewill.
  8. @ 52:24 – Pastor Rick Wiles says the corona virus was sent by God to purge the world of sin. And that Christians won’t get it. Isn’t there some truth in that God is allowing it?
  9. @ 59:02 – Matthew 8:12 refers to “the sons of the kingdom” that will be “thrown into outer darkness”. Who are the sons of the kingdom? How can I know I don’t belong to that group?
  10. @ 1:01:29 – I’ve been reading through Isaiah for a long time. I read most of chapter 47 this morning. There was an excerpt that seemed to really apply to what I had just been praying about. Is that the wrong application? It really felt like clarity. I’m currently having some money troubles and while I thought I had been looking at it rightly, I’m now seeing that I may have been way off. The whole chapter didn’t feel like it applied to me but I got a “sense” of being corrected, that I have been a lover of money, a “lover of luxury” because of how anxious I’ve been to never be uncomfortable. I hope this makes sense!

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 16:53 – Tax collectors of the bible. Were they reps of the Roman govt. or were they an early version of the Mafia who worked thru extortion.
  2. @ 24:16 – I was just reading Isaiah 45 1-7. I know this is prophecy (fulfilled?) but I am struggling with verse 7. You always say God brings order from chaos, but here it says “I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity…”. Ugh, I thought it was the devil that did these things. Have I been guilty of trying to whitewash our Lord, or am misreading the text or misapplying it?
  3. @ 31:06 – Is there a difference between sex and gender. There’s a lot of talk about gender identity. What does the Bible have to say about this?
  4. @ 43:22 – You’ve mentioned the creation of Adam and Eve several times over the last few weeks. Two questions. Do you believe in a literal 6-day creation and young earth, or a different view? Second, when God made Eve, did he make her less than Adam, or place Adam above her? It seems like the Bible could endorse sexism?
  5. @ 59:06 – In the message you said that God doesn’t intend for us to be alone or in isolation, and that life is better together. But I’m an introvert and would rather not be around people. I feel like I could do just fine alone.
  6. @ 1:01:24 – Sin brings brokenness, division, and separation. If I am separated from a family member, what is the best way to deal with that?
  7. @ 1:08:56 – I was a member at a church that had home fellowships, and we had Bible Studies. Why don’t you do a Bible study at the Connect Groups?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 21:57 – Is Christianity a religion? Or a relationship with our creator?
  2. @ 25:05 – What other evidence for transcendence is there, in addition to the five evidences for transcendence you shared on Sunday?
  3. @ 31:29 – Is our personal experience valid as evidence for transcendence, or is that to subjective?
  4. @ 38:11 – Do you think Near Death Experiences are real?
  5. @ 41:24 – My Granddaughter said the Bible tells me to love my enemies and Satan is my enemy. What am I supposed to do?
  6. @ 43:33 – Is transcendence connected to transcendental meditation? And, is it bad to meditate, to experience a transcendent experience?
  7. @ 51:36 – Have you had any other transcendent experiences, besides the one you shared on Sunday?
  8. @ 1:10:13 – Have you personally experienced a miracle?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 9:09 – Do you think climate change is real? Is it “manmade?”
  2. @ 15:51 – Do you think the stuff happening in Iran is connected to Bible end times prophecy, like in Ezekiel and Revelation?
  3. @ 18:15 – If humanity began literally with Adam and Eve, and they had children, wouldn’t have there been incestuous relationships to grow the population?
  4. @ 20:29 – Is there no longer “choice” when we get to heaven like there was for Adam and Eve when they were initially created?
  5. @ 24:15 – How long do you think Adam and Eve were in the garden before they ate of the tree?
  6. @ 24:49 – I’m in some need of spiritual minty freshness. In my daily bible reading I’ve been going through Revelation, and honestly? I’ve found it deeply disturbing. 1. How are we sure they aren’t talking about the crazy world we live in now OR 2. Why would we want unbelievers that we love and care about to go through all that? When I hear people say they want Jesus to come right now I want to say Nooo wait, I want to give some people some extra time. Am I looking at this all wrong? Is what I really need actually some cold blooded love?
  7. @ 31:55 – In Genesis several times the scriptures speak of God saying “we” did, made, etc. I interpret this to reflect the triune of The God-head. John 1 declares that Jesus is the Word and was with God before creation. The Holy Spirit being the third we? Is this a reasonable interpretation?
  8. @ 33:10 –  Question on 2 Corinthians 2:12-14. Paul went to Troas and found the place to be ripe for preaching the Gospel. There was an open door. But he was worried about the Corinthians because Titus had not come to Troas to give him a report. So Paul left the mission field God prepared and went to Macedonia to find Titus. Is this ok to leave God’s work to satisfy human emotion?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 18:10 – Concerned about the programming on Netflix you mentioned on the last podcast. Thinking of canceling my subscription- I don’t watch a lot of tv, but is it better to cancel and let Netflix know why???
  2. @ 26:27 – Why do some people lift their hands during worship?
  3. @ 31:59 – Was Moses wrong to veil his face?
  4. @ 36:43 – How did we become a Baptist Church? In what way is it different from what we were before?
  5. @ 44:14 – My previous church did a prophecy update at the end of each year. Does this church believe in Bible prophecy? If so, why no updates?
  6. @ 52:00 – If we are transformed into the image of Christ, what does that actually look like?
  7. @ 55:22 – What confuses me is that when someone dies, the pastor will generally say that he/she is now with God. However, when I read the bible, it says that you go to sleep until the coming of Christ. He will call the dead to rise up and meet Him. Can you clarify this so that I can have a better understanding.
  8. @ 1:01:26 – Pastor Garrett said that God made us exactly the way we are, knowing the way you were going to be from conception. Does that mean that God makes people gay? Does he create us sinful?
  9. @ 1:06:18 – Is fasting important and necessary?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 22:10 – The white stone in Revelation about a name does that mean we will be getting a new name when we get to Heaven? Some commentators say we will and others say that is not what it means.
  2. @ 26:45 – Are Christmas trees a pagan practice?
  3. @ 29:56 – Does God love everyone? How does a loving God let sin and evil enter the world?
  4. @ 32:37 – How important is eros love in a marriage relationship?
  5. @ 41:08 – What do you think of the five love languages and do they reconcile with scriptures?
  6. @ 46:14 – What does it mean that love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6).
  7. @ 48:07 – Is every act of procreation an expression of love or just within the marriage covenant?
  8. @ 51:19 – What is advent and should we practice it?
  9. @ 54:44 – Is it bad to teach your kids that there is a Santa? Is it a lie?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 17:00 – Are there other instances in the Bible where “the satan” (as in Job 1 and 2) is referred to rather than the devil we know and hate? How do we differentiate between the two when we study on our own?
  2. @ 23:36 – There seems to be differences in the Gospel accounts of the resurrection. Mark says that Mary Magdalene, Mary the the mother of Jesus, and Salome found the tomb empty, with a single man (angel) inside (Mark 16:1-8). Matthew Says only the two Marys were present, it was an angel who told them about the resurrection and then Jesus Himself met them on the road (Matt. 28:1-10). Luke writes that there that there were two men inside the tomb (Luke 24:1-12). And finally, John seems to say that it was Mary Magdalene alone, and that she never saw Jesus at all, but thought his body was taken (John 20:1-18). Which are we supposed to believe? And how then are we supposed to take everything in the Bible as hard fact?
  3. @ 31:53 – What are your favorite podcasts that you like to listen to?
  4. @ 39:31 – In Revelation 1:20 It says “…The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches…”, Who/what are the seven angels of the seven churches?

    Then in Revelation 4:5 it says “…Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” What are the seven spirits of God? Mr. Google is confused
  5. @ 46:53 Someone I know has been having weird experiences. He has had a couple strange dreams and then woke up to see something in his room. (Ghost, apparition?) There are a few other weird things that have happened to him as well. He is definitely not an enthusiast of supernatural things or doesn’t take an interest in that kind of stuff. I don’t know what to make of it, what advice can I give him? He believes in a higher power but not a Christian.
  6. @ 54:00 – I’m not sure I agree with what was said about the joy of giving to others the gifts God has given to us. It seems that you said that we give gifts because of the joy we receive in giving the gift to someone else. We are not responsible for the person receiving the gift with joy. We’re only responsible for giving the gift. Right?
  7. @ 1:00 – Is it worthwhile to interact with people through social media/online communication to challenge their wrongheaded ideas, or is it just “casting our pearls before swine?” And if we do interact with them, how should we do so to be the most effective?

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