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Episode 18 – May 26th Sermon Q&A

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 13:02 – Acts 13:48 it says “Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the Word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.” Appointed by whom?
  2. @ 19:59 –  Was Jesus talking to us in present time in Matthew 16:24-25. Or was that message meant for the disciples?
  3. @ 28:34 –  How do we experience the Spirit in our daily lives if we don’t “feel” the Spirit?
  4. @ 36:33 – If I have been fully forgiven do I need to keep asking for forgiveness, how often?
  5. @ 40:43 – Do you have any daily routine advice to help me read the Bible?
  6. @ 43:51 – How long does it take when reading the Bible for our affections to change?
  7. @ 46:42 –  Is it wrong to have nice/expensive things?

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