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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 10:21 – To who has it be given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God? (Mark 4:11)?
  2. @ 12:41 – I’m reading through Matthew and had a question. at the end of Mathew 19 it says “but many who are first will be last and the last first.” and the end of the first passage of Mathew 20, it says “so the last be first, and the first last.” does this have my more significance than corroborating each other? does this mean anything to us today?
  3. @ 18:30 – Do we believe in conditional salvation?
  4. @ 24:28 – Why do we experience suffering. Can’t God just take it away?
  5. @ 31:53 – Is it important for us to have a “life verse?” And, do we always need “confirmation” in the Bible before making a decision?
  6. @ 42:17 – Garrett Said, “Jesus used Parables to reveal truth and to conceal truth,” Why would Jesus conceal truth? Doesn’t He want us to know the truth, and have it set us free?”
  7. @ 46:02 – How do I make sure that my heart is like the fruitful soil, and not the other three?
  8. @ 48:54 – I try and try, but my heart is just bad sometimes. Will it ever stop?
  9. @ 52:18 – What is God’s purpose, or goal, for Christians?
  10. @ 56:08 – I have been reading ll Samuel. I know David sinned and God forgave him. I am troubled in that I don’t understand how his children being killed and other misfortunes (Tamar) are consequences of his sin. It seems like he was being punished even though forgiven. I’m sure I am missing something.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 17:04 – What is the difference between condemnation and conviction?
  2. @ 20:13 – I’ve always found my love to be responsive. How do I love preemptively. How can I “practically” participate in GROWING my agape love.
  3. @ 27:09 – If the Bible is a mirror for me to see myself, and not a lens to see others, does this mean that I should never confront someone if their behavior is not right?
  4. @ 32:33 – Is pride always a bad thing?
  5. @ 37:00 – What does fullness of joy look like in the midst of suffering?
  6. @ 43:16 – If I don’t earn my place with God by good works, then why should I do good works?
  7. @ 47:55 – How do you handle feelings of doubt? As in, doubting the existence of God?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 15:53 – Why does God “test” people when he is all-knowing?
  2. @ 21:38 – Can you explain what John means when talking about children of the Devil? Where else is this talked about in scripture?
  3. @ 23:47 – What does it mean for our hearts to condemn us? Does condemnation only/primarily come from the heart?
  4. @ 28:48 – Is it always a sin to hate?
  5. @ 31:29 – How should I respond when confronted with the reality of my own failures as a Christian?
  6. @ 34:10 – Why did you have to spoil Toy Story 4 for me?
  7. @ 36:47 –  John talks about seeing others in need, and shutting up your heart from them (I guess by not giving) … should I give to every homeless person in need?
  8. @ 42:19 – How can I give if I don’t have much to give?
  9. @ 48:54 – If someone claims to be a Christian but is self-centered and not loving others would their heart condemn them of this?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 11:52 – What are some tips that you have to stay strong when the world hates you?
  2. @ 18:57 – Where did Cain find a wife if the first humans were Adam and Eve?
  3. @ 22:46 –  How can I tell if I am truly loving my “brother”? I know we are supposed to forgive others their trespasses against us, but if someone is gossiping about me, or being two faced, does loving them mean I have to keep being open to them? These are the nuances I don’t understand? Does loving people mean I have to continue acting nice and giving to all people? Or can I retreat?
  4. @ 30:28 – Is Satan a created being? If so, why did/would God create “evil?”
  5. @ 34:06 – You said that God’s predestination of some is heresy? What do you mean?
  6. @ 40:25 – How do you stop living your life trying always to be liked and please others?
  7. @ 46:24 – Why did God have a problem with Cain’s offering and respect Abel’s?

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If you’re a listener, or subscriber, give us a shout-out and send us a text (and text more questions) to (760) 814-1223.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 12:42 – When someone says that they aren’t interested in Christianity because it’s a religion, and all religion is man-made, what is the best kind of response to that?
  2. @ 18:05 – In the Gospels, why does Jesus tell the disciples not to stop the people casting out demons in his name because if someone is not against them, they’re for them, but later, he also tells the disciples that whoever is not for Him is against Him. That seems like a direct contradiction, what gives?
  3. @ 23:31 – Do you know of a verse to read to someone who thinks if they kill themself and think they can still go to heaven?
  4. @ 28:49 – Specifically what does it mean that angels are messengers of God?
  5. @ 30:35 – Does each Believer have their own guardian angel?
  6. @ 35:04 – Is there a hierarchy of sin(s)?

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