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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 23:43 – Would Job not have been restored and rewarded if he didn’t pray for his friends?
  2. @ 28:09 – What is the difference in language that makes people say Rev. 2:10 is not literal days, but Genesis is literal days?
  3. @ 32:46 – What about Job’s wife?(curse God and die) did she bear Job 10 more children?
  4. @ 35:10 – After we finish reading the book of Job, what’s the next book we should read through?
  5. @ 38:14 – How can I find a way to share the gospel with family when they are at our house for the holidays?
  6. @ 44:02 – How can I practically increase in patience? I know that frustrating things in life can be used to help grow in patience, but how can I practically grow in patience and not just grow in frustration?
  7. @ 53:42 – How does one come out of suffering growing closer to the Lord and not bitter?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 16:55 – Where does the Bible mention other cities being destroyed, besides Sodom & Gomorrah.
  2. @ 21:08 – Pastor Miles mentioned Karma as similar to the principle of sowing and reaping. Are they they same?
  3. @ 26:19 – You mentioned in service that God cares and is working behind the scenes when John the Baptist and Jesus were suffering and died. How so for John the Baptist?
  4. @ 36:43 – In the message you said that Job’s friends believed that God is just, and that the world works according to His justice. Were they wrong? Isn’t God just?
  5. @ 41:03 – Isn’t it true that Job’s friends said some things that were true? In the passage you read in Job 11, his friend said that Job deserved worse. Isn’t it kind of true that we deserve much worse, because of our sin?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 11:01 – What is your favorite book in the Bible and why?
  2. @ 15:26 –  In chapter 3, Job is questioning why he was born. He seems to be questing God because God controls all things including birth. So it seems that righteousness is not measured by questioning Gods allowance of suffering in our lives?
  3. @ 17:51 –  You taught that Job was suicidal. I cannot see Job having suicidal thoughts. I do however see him longing to leave his situation via death. He expresses this desire through submission in prayer to the Omnipotent God, by asking God to kill him. His imagination of ‘IF’ he were never born can’t be seen as “suicidal” thoughts.” All of this seems to me to be Job submitting to God his desire to be done with life. True, he obviously has the wrong existential understanding. He is betraying his wrong understanding by asking to leave this life because of all the loss he’s experienced. I know God’s word says, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he” so Job is definitely heading down the wrong road and it may not be long before he does take action toward his own demise or even dwell on thoughts of how he might accomplish such , but in the text I do not see him having suicidal thoughts. So, why do you say you are sure that this passage is saying Job had suicidal thoughts?
  4. @ 27:00 –  What are some practical things to do to keep up hope while you’re going through a dark season like Job? How do you keep your eyes on the hope in the future when things get so overwhelming now?
  5. @ 34:20 –  What are some of the warning signs that might warrant needing to ask if someone is suicidal or self harming?
  6. @ 38:42 –  Is suicide a sin?” Do you go to hell if you commit suicide?
  7. @ 42:53 –  John 20:22 and Acts 1:4-5 in reference to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Is Jesus breathing into them the Holy Spirit different than the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 12:40 – Is having true compassion for others a gift from God?
  2. @ 20:34 – Did Satan try to intervene and use Jobs friend to make him forsake God?
  3. @ 23:38 – Listening to the service today and I didn’t totally agree with the definition of empathy. I feel the gift of empathy was put down too much. I think empathy is a wonderful gift that allows us to understand others in suffering. Empathy is a higher step to sympathy. As I understand the whole world uses sympathy, thinking that is enough to understand how people are feeling. Why do you think sympathy is better than empathy?
  4. @ 30:18 – You talked about sympathy in the message. What if your problem is apathy?
  5. @ 34:33 – In the message you said that it is best, when helping someone that is suffering, to “say nothing.” But what if you are asked a direct question about suffering from someone who is suffering? What if they are saying things about God that are false? How should you respond?
  6. @ 37:59 – I heard someone say that Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship? What on earth does that mean?
  7. @ 41:03 – What books do you recommend on the topic of suffering and pain?

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