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February 17th Sermon Q&A

Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:1-9 considering the reason for peril in the last days. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 4:00 – If I recognize that I have a hardened heart. How do I change that?
  2. @ 13:12 –  If I am struggling with some of the things mentioned in verses 2-5 am I not saved?
  3. @ 17:22 – What does it mean to repent?
  4. @ 24:18 –  How do I confront a Christian friend who does not have the fruit of the spirit in the way they live?
  5. @ 31:25 –  Are you saying we need to kick out Christians who live in sin from our church?
  6. @ 35:05 – If my children are disobedient how should I discipline them?

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