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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 12:40 – What is the difference between knowing about God, and knowing and trusting God?
  2. @ 20:58 – I’m confused about the difference in translations in 1 John 5:7 and 8.
    1. If 1 John 5:7-8 have something that seems to have been added later by a scribe, how do we know there aren’t other passages that have been added or deleted? Does this call into question the trustworthiness of the Bible?
  3. @ 29:42 – Can we lose our salvation if we once believed in God but then we go through a bad period where we can’t pray or do good works even if we still believe in God?
    1. Was Pastor Miles saying that someone who has genuinely trusted Christ for salvation can lose their salvation? If not, does the pastor believe in eternal security?
  4. @ 40:29 – What do you think was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? And do you think he was ever married?
  5. @ 49:35 – In Luke 9:14 what is the reason/significance of asking the crowd to sit in groups of fifty?
  6. @ 53:21 – I have a question about Bethel music and Bethel Ministry. Should a church sing the songs written from this Bethel Church, if Bethel church is known for heretical teachings? Wouldn’t this promote that church if you do there songs?
  7. @ 55:32 – You listed 5 ways that God testifies of Jesus as divine. I didn’t get all of them. What are they?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 10:34 – Which ‘love’ definitions are used in 1 John 5:1?
  2. @ 14:25 – So if I love someone, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I have to like them or like what that person is doing, right? (So long as I treat them lovingly still.)
  3. @ 22:18 – I was wondering if you’ve heard of ” spiritual formation “. If so, what is it… and most importantly… is it Biblical?
  4. @ 37:28 – It seems there’s been some “prominent” Christians mentioned in the media recently who have “walked away” from their faith. We read in the 1 Timothy 4:1 “now the Spirit Expressively says that in later time some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons”. Along with praying what should be our response as brothers and sisters in Christ as we see this happening in our circle of friends? Do we separate ourselves? Do we try to come alongside them? I appreciate your insight and any other scriptures that would increase our knowledge of how to live in these latter days.
  5. @ 40:02 – If love is not a “mushy sentimentality” does that mean that love is emotionless?
  6. @ 49:46 – What does it mean that “love does not rejoice in injustice” in 1 Corinthians 13?
  7. @ 54:34 – If John was writing to come against counterfeit Christian leaders 2,000 years ago, what sort of counterfeits are there today?
  8. @ 56:40 – How are we supposed to love people and also stand up against sin, or stand for righteousness, and not come across as hateful?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 13:31 – Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” How did you come to the conclusion that the fruit of the spirit is love which produces joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? I like that interpretation because it makes it easier to understand but that’s not how it reads.
  2. @ 19:10 – Why is it often so difficult to love others?
  3. @ 26:32 – Does God still love those who are responsible for mass shootings?
  4. @ 29:44 – How can God be so loving and yet allow so much evil in our world?
  5. @ 33:27 – Is it possible to know God’s love and allow our hearts to grow numb to its reality and power?
  6. @ 43:33 – Do you think our culture struggles with loving others because we have traded spending quality time with each other for social media and settled for more isolation?
  7. @ 47:00 – My 8 yr old has asked me a couple of tricky questions. 1. Does the baby who dies before birth or even shortly after go to heaven if they don’t know God? 2. What about the kids/adults w special needs? We have family who have lost both still born and child with down’s.
  8. @ 58:47 – Can you talk about what love looks like in different situations? Is the best kind of love always sacrificial or can it be more loving in some situations to set boundaries? How can you tell the difference? And are there any biblical examples of lovingly set boundaries?
  9. @ 1:09:14 – I don’t see pastors in the New Testament. Are modern churches, and pastors Biblical?

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 11:28 – Do all of our thoughts come to us from another spirt, or outside of us? Or do we come up with them?
  2. @ 17:59 – If the Gnostics believed Jesus never came in the flesh what did they do with the crucifixion account?
  3. @ 24:28 – This question came up in our connect group in reference to 1 Corinthians 11. Do women have to have their head covered in church or was this specific to the people of that time?
  4. @ 28:41 – How do we judge messages from thinkers that don’t necessarily pass John’s 3-step spiritual verification test? I have read the writings of many thinkers whose work on purpose and morality have lent clarity to how I perceive reality, but I do not think the writers themselves align squarely with the Christian view and often their philosophy requires some reconciling with the Christian message. Some examples in mind: Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Haidt, and Nietzsche.

    5. If it is true that we shouldn’t trust false prophets, why would you recommend we read Nietzsche.

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