At this time in world history there doesn’t seem to be a day that passes where the State of Israel is not in the news in some way. It is my conviction that this is exactly as scripture foretold (Zechariah 12:2), and is key to the belief of many evangelicals—including myself—that we may be living in the very last of the last days. But convictions such as these and recent correspondence with other evangelical leaders has caused several questions to come to my mind.
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- What should be the response of the church to National Israel in the last days?
- How should we interpret and apply Paul’s words “To the Jew first” in the context of 21st century Christianity?
- Should the evangelization of lost Israel take precedent over other lost peoples?
- Does the promise of Genesis 12:3 (i.e. “I will bless those who bless you…”) mean that we—the church—should seek to bless, monetarily, the nation of Israel to receive a blessing ourselves?
- Do Jews and Christians worship the same God? Do Muslims?
I would love your thoughts, add your’s below. (click here to comment)