Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:1-9 considering the reason for peril in the last days. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 0:36 – Did Timothy ever have trouble following Paul? Did he ever have doubts? Or doubts about God’s will?
  2. @ 9:05 –  What kind of milestones should you make and how do you make them?
  3. @ 15:49 – In the context of Pastor Jason’s sermon, how do I find someone to mentor (disciple) me so that I can turn around and mentor (disciple) someone else?
  4. @ 28:34 –  Had this question come up in our house this week with our kids. If Jesus is God in the form of man, how did God send his son to earth?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 3:1-9 considering the reason for peril in the last days. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 4:00 – If I recognize that I have a hardened heart. How do I change that?
  2. @ 13:12 –  If I am struggling with some of the things mentioned in verses 2-5 am I not saved?
  3. @ 17:22 – What does it mean to repent?
  4. @ 24:18 –  How do I confront a Christian friend who does not have the fruit of the spirit in the way they live?
  5. @ 31:25 –  Are you saying we need to kick out Christians who live in sin from our church?
  6. @ 35:05 – If my children are disobedient how should I discipline them?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 2:20-26 considering the topic of vessels of honor and dishonor. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 13:00 – Do you believe that all non-believers in the church are here with dishonorable intentions?
  2. @ 15:40 – Do all vessels of honor start out as vessels of dishonor?
  3. @ 18:35 – You mentioned that the culture Timothy lived in was an honor and shame culture which placed higher value on older adults and that our current culture values youth. What are the consequences of valuing youth? Would our culture do better if we valued older people more?
  4. @ 23:45 – How do we conduct ourselves as vessels of honor in our day to day life?
  5. @ 30:15 – How do we resist youthful lusts?
  6. @ 36:50 – How would you counsel someone who is addicted to youthful lusts, what are some practical steps they could take to become pure?
  7. @ 40:10 – What are the consequences of pursuing youthful lusts? Are there negative consequences of righteousness/purity?

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Last Sunday we studied through 2 Timothy 2:14-19, and we considered the importance of maintaining unity, while also rightly dividing the Scriptures. Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer the questions we received from the message.

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Questions & Timestamps:

  1. @ 9:40 – If there is a person who likes to dispute over the bible in my small group bible study how should I approach them?
  2. @ 17:30 – How do I know if I am fixated on something that is unhelpful?
  3. @ 23:33 – What should I do if another christian questions a practice or belief of our church?
  4. @ 32:34 – Can you explain the primary, secondary and tertiary doctrines? And, What are typical theological things that people argue about that are non-essential?
  5. @ 45:48 – What is our church government here?
  6. @ 51:23 – Should I argue with the mormons or JW who come to my door about scripture?
  7. @ 55:55 – How do I reconcile a relationship that was broken because of we had different views of the word of God?

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Last Sunday Pastor Mark taught for me while I was out of town at a conference. You can check the message out here. During the message we had a few questions texted in, so Pastor Mark and I sat down to answer them this afternoon. I hope it is an encouragement to you.

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Questions & Timestamp:

  1. At 3:32 – Pastor Mark, You said “God gave him a new name “Paul” at the 09:30 service. Is there a biblical reference for this?
  2. At 8:08 – Haven’t there been lots of people who have died for lies? Either from insanity or religious fervor? Jihadists, heaven’s gate people, etc. How is the martyrdom of the disciples different from an outsider’s perspective?
  3. At 18:05 – God can not be around sin and imperfections. How did Lucifer appear in the meeting with God in Job?

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